Maywood Chemical Works (FUSRAP Site)
Maywood Chemical Works is located in a highly developed area of Bergen County in New Jersey. Maywood Chemical Works extracted thorium and rare earth elements from monazite sands fro use in commercial properties until 1956. Radioactive waste migrated to surrounding areas throughout the site’s operation, contaminating both soil and water. Stephan Company acquired Maywood Chemical Works in the 1950s and initiated cleanup efforts. In the 1980s, contamination in the form of thorium, uranium and radium as well as some heavy metals and rare earth elements, were still found onsite. In 1984, the site was added to the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). The FUSRAP Program was transferred to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in 1997, in accordance with the Energy and Water Appropriations Act of 1998. Cleanup responsibilities transferred at that time from DOE-EM to the USACE.