Silos 1 and 2 Waste Retrieval Project - Iron Workers Assemble Waste Container Handling Equipment.
The Waste Retrieval Project is an interim step in the final remediation of Silos 1 and 2. 8,900 cubic yards of waste material from the silos will be moved to temporary transfer tanks. This material was generated from 1951 to 1960 as a waste by-product generated from the processing of high-grade uranium ores. The Silos 1 and 2 material, also known as K-65 material, contains radium and thorium radionuclides. The contractor will design, construct, test, maintain and operate the systems and sub-systems associated with the Waste Retrieval Project. Removal of the silos soil berm is also included in the scope of work. The Waste Retrieval Project will consist of six major systems; Silos Waste Retrieval System; Decant Sump Waste Retrieval System; Transfer Tank Area; Transfer Tank Waste Retrieval System; Radon Control System; and the Full Scale Mock-up System.