Workers Expose the Cell 6 Liner to Prepare the Surface for Attachment to the Cell 7 Liner.
A balanced approach to waste disposition has been developed at Fernald, one in which the majority of the site's contaminated material will be placed in an On-Site Disposal Facility (OSDF) for its final disposition, where as, a smaller volume of more highly contaminated waste will be sent off site. The OSDF is being constructed on the east side of the Fernald Site and will ultimately hold approximately 2.5 million coubic yards of impacted material. The facility is being constructed in phases. Phase V consists of waste placement in Cells 3, 4, 5 and 6, construction of the Cell 7 and 8 liners, the placement of the final cover on all remaining cells and screening of clay liner and cover material in the Borrow Area.