Princeton Plasma Physic Laboratory Site Map
The Princeton Plasma Physic Laboratory is located on 36 hectares (88.5 acres) of property leased from Princeton University on the James Forrestal Campus, in Plainsboro Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey. The primary mission of the site is to conduct magnetic confinement plasma physics research and investigates the possible application of fusion power as an energy source. Historically, the lab was involved in fusion energy programs sponsored by the US Department of Energy (DOE). Past activities contaminated the soil and groundwater with petroleum, hydrocarbons and solvents. Some of the metal contaminated soil was disposed of at a commercial facility permitted to accept hazardous waste. The rest of the soil was removed and disposed of offsite. Surface waters from building sump pumps are discharged into a lined stormwater detention basin, which discharges into a nearby brook. The discharge to the brook is monitored in compliance with a State of New Jersey surface water discharge permit. Long-term stewardship activities include the monitoring of groundwater to prevent contaminants from migrating offsite. Remediation was completed in FY 1999.