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Aerial photo of Yankee Rowe during D&D
Aerial photo of the former Yankee Rowe plant site taken on April 11, 2006.

Decommissioning began in 1993 and will be completed this year. Structural demolition of the plant was completed on June 30, 2005. Below-grade decommissioning will be completed this summer, followed by site grading and restoration. Final radiation surveys of the site will be conducted to demonstrate to state and federal regulators that Yankee has successfully completed decommissioning. The plant site will then be released from its Nuclear Regulatory Commission license.

The transfer of Yankee's used fuel from wet to dry cask storage was successfully completed in June of 2003. The decommissioned Yankee Rowe plant site will not be available for reuse until the Department of Energy meets its legal obligation to remove the used fuel stored on the former plant site. The fuel storage facility will continue to be licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Keywords: Yankee_Rowe

Aerial photo of Yankee Rowe during D&D

Aerial photo of the former Yankee Rowe plant site taken on April 11, 2006.

Decommissioning began in 1993 and will be completed this year. Structural demolition of the plant was completed on June 30, 2005. Below-grade decommissioning will be completed this summer, followed by site grading and restoration. Final radiation surveys of the site will be conducted to demonstrate to state and federal regulators that Yankee has successfully completed decommissioning. The plant site will then be released from its Nuclear Regulatory Commission license.

The transfer of Yankee's used fuel from wet to dry cask storage was successfully completed in June of 2003. The decommissioned Yankee Rowe plant site will not be available for reuse until the Department of Energy meets its legal obligation to remove the used fuel stored on the former plant site. The fuel storage facility will continue to be licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

YR_4-11-06_1.jpg Yankee_Rowe_VFR.jpg Aerial_April_11_2006_a~0.jpg tsc_transfer_2.jpg MVC-006F.JPG
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Yankee Rowe
Rating (1 votes):55555
Date:April 11, 2006.
Filesize:46 KiB
Date added:Jul 28, 2006
Dimensions:400 x 280 pixels
Displayed:1027 times
DateTime Original:2006:04:11 11:35:29
Model:Canon EOS 10D
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:180 dots per ResolutionUnit
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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