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The 19th layer of graphite covering layer 18 containing slugs of uranium oxide. Parts of the wooden scaffolding and surrounding balloon cloth also are visible.
The completed pile contained 771,000 pounds of graphite, 80,590 pounds of uranium oxide and 12,400 pounds of uranium metal when it went critical. It cost about $2.7 million to produce and build. The pile took the form of a flattened ellipsoid which measured 25 feet wide and 20 feet high.
Keywords: Chicago Pile One

The 19th layer of graphite covering layer 18 containing slugs of uranium oxide. Parts of the wooden scaffolding and surrounding balloon cloth also are visible.

The completed pile contained 771,000 pounds of graphite, 80,590 pounds of uranium oxide and 12,400 pounds of uranium metal when it went critical. It cost about $2.7 million to produce and build. The pile took the form of a flattened ellipsoid which measured 25 feet wide and 20 feet high.

erdf.jpg Dig_support_Day_Group.jpg Clinton_backup_generators.JPG 88882098_91ea44421193703324.jpg Salem_01.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Chicago Pile One
Rating (1 votes):33333
Keywords:Chicago / Pile / One
Date:December 2, 1946
Filesize:33 KiB
Date added:Feb 14, 2005
Dimensions:320 x 410 pixels
Displayed:1399 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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