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Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Among the most cherished artifacts of Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a small unassuming logbook with pages yellowed by time. The book was used by a group of researchers doing classified work in 1943 to record experiments at the X-10 Pile, a facility that later became known throughout the American scientific community as the Graphite Reactor. The book's most famous entry is dated November 4, 1943, with scrawled handwriting that reveals the author's excitement.
Keywords: X-10 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Among the most cherished artifacts of Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a small unassuming logbook with pages yellowed by time. The book was used by a group of researchers doing classified work in 1943 to record experiments at the X-10 Pile, a facility that later became known throughout the American scientific community as the Graphite Reactor. The book's most famous entry is dated November 4, 1943, with scrawled handwriting that reveals the author's excitement.

WNP1_4.jpg ornl_image1.jpg Millstone3_crane.jpg 71.jpg doe_nts_daf_loc.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) X-10
Rating (1 votes):00000
Keywords:X-10 / Oak / Ridge / National / Laboratory / (ORNL)
Filesize:8385 Bytes
Date added:Mar 13, 2005
Dimensions:160 x 111 pixels
Displayed:1643 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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