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Waste Pits Project
Remediate the contents of six waste pits, which range in size from a baseball diamond to a football field and vary in depth from 13 feet to 30 feet.

Pits contain low-level radioactive waste byproducts of uranium and thorium processing generated during Fernald's 37-year production mission.
Keywords:  Fernald Green Salt Plant, Feed Materials Production Center, Fernald, Ohio (FEMP)

Waste Pits Project

Remediate the contents of six waste pits, which range in size from a baseball diamond to a football field and vary in depth from 13 feet to 30 feet.

Pits contain low-level radioactive waste byproducts of uranium and thorium processing generated during Fernald's 37-year production mission.

devilden.jpg November_Sunrise,_2009.JPG -816ea16dfa5e3e43.JPG titolo.jpg Maxey_Flats.jpg
File information
Filename:Waste Pits Project.jpg
Album name:Rennhack / Fernald (FEMP)
Keywords: / Fernald / Green / Salt / Plant, / Feed / Materials / Production / Center, / Fernald, / Ohio / (FEMP)
Credits:DOE Photo
Filesize:819 KiB
Date added:Mar 13, 2005
Dimensions:900 x 600 pixels
Displayed:661 times
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:150 dots per ResolutionUnit
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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