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Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6)
Uranium hexafluoride is a chemical compound consisting of one atom of uranium combined with six atoms of fluorine. It is the chemical form of uranium that is used during the uranium enrichment process. Within a reasonable range of temperature and pressure, it can be a solid, liquid, or gas. Solid UF6 is a white, dense, crystalline material that resembles rock salt.

UF6 crystals in a glass vial.
Uranium hexafluoride does not react with oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or dry air, but it does react with water or water vapor. For this reason, UF6 is always handled in leak tight containers and processing equipment. When UF6 comes into contact with water, such as water vapor in the air, the UF6 and water react, forming corrosive hydrogen fluoride (HF) and a uranium-fluoride compound called uranyl fluoride (UO2F2).
Keywords: Oak Ridge K-25 (ETTP)

Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6)

Uranium hexafluoride is a chemical compound consisting of one atom of uranium combined with six atoms of fluorine. It is the chemical form of uranium that is used during the uranium enrichment process. Within a reasonable range of temperature and pressure, it can be a solid, liquid, or gas. Solid UF6 is a white, dense, crystalline material that resembles rock salt.

UF6 crystals in a glass vial.
Uranium hexafluoride does not react with oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or dry air, but it does react with water or water vapor. For this reason, UF6 is always handled in leak tight containers and processing equipment. When UF6 comes into contact with water, such as water vapor in the air, the UF6 and water react, forming corrosive hydrogen fluoride (HF) and a uranium-fluoride compound called uranyl fluoride (UO2F2).

stlucienpp2.jpg UF6.jpg oconee.jpg CR16.jpg MarbleHill_html_m198c5aca.jpg
File information
Album name:Oak Ridge K-25 (ETTP)
Keywords:Oak / Ridge / K-25 / (ETTP)
Filesize:16 KiB
Date added:Feb 13, 2004
Dimensions:468 x 234 pixels
Displayed:2214 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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