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An Electrician Verifies that One of the Motor Controls that will Operate a Piece of Equipment in the Silos 1 and 2 Treatment Facility Works Correctly.
8,900 cubic yards of high activity low-level waste material will be removed from Silos 1 and 2, processed and shipped off site for disposal. This material was generated from 1951 to 1960 as a waste by-product from the processing of high-grade uranium ores. The Silos 1 and 2 material, also known as K-65 material, contains radium and throium radioclides. Waste Retrieval Project will consist of six major systems; Silos Waste Retrieval System; Decant Sump Waste Retrieval System; Transfer Tank Area; Transfer Tank Waste Retrieval System; Radon Control System; and the Full Scale Mock-Up System. Once the waste is removed from the silos it will then be stabilized with a formulation of flyash and Portland cement before being containerized for shipment. 
Keywords: Fernald Closure Project Fernald Green Salt Plant, Feed Materials Production Center, Fernald, Ohio (FEMP)

An Electrician Verifies that One of the Motor Controls that will Operate a Piece of Equipment in the Silos 1 and 2 Treatment Facility Works Correctly.

8,900 cubic yards of high activity low-level waste material will be removed from Silos 1 and 2, processed and shipped off site for disposal. This material was generated from 1951 to 1960 as a waste by-product from the processing of high-grade uranium ores. The Silos 1 and 2 material, also known as K-65 material, contains radium and throium radioclides. Waste Retrieval Project will consist of six major systems; Silos Waste Retrieval System; Decant Sump Waste Retrieval System; Transfer Tank Area; Transfer Tank Waste Retrieval System; Radon Control System; and the Full Scale Mock-Up System. Once the waste is removed from the silos it will then be stabilized with a formulation of flyash and Portland cement before being containerized for shipment.

313.jpg IMG_0207.jpg 07-09-02_0012.JPG eteba_DSC01638.jpg DSC02034.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Fernald (FEMP)
Keywords:Fernald / Closure / Project / Fernald / Green / Salt / Plant, / Feed / Materials / Production / Center, / Fernald, / Ohio / (FEMP)
Credits:DOE Photo
Filesize:48 KiB
Date added:Oct 30, 2005
Dimensions:288 x 192 pixels
Displayed:358 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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