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DuPont Administration Building, Savannah River Plant
Harry Truman signed the Savannah River Plant into existence in 1950. Its mission: to produce plutonium and tritium for America's H-bomb program. The prime contractor was DuPont, which cleared 312 square miles and moved four communities to build five plutonium reactors, a tritium facility, two chemicals separations plants, a heavy-water plant, hight-level waste tanks, a low level radiation dump, a Navy submarine reactor fuels materials facility (1986), and, by 1989, a defense waste-processing plant for turning high-level nuclear waste into glass logs. The plant employs 15,000 people. Aiken County, South Carolina. August 6, 1983. 
Keywords: Savannah River Site (SRS)

DuPont Administration Building, Savannah River Plant

Harry Truman signed the Savannah River Plant into existence in 1950. Its mission: to produce plutonium and tritium for America's H-bomb program. The prime contractor was DuPont, which cleared 312 square miles and moved four communities to build five plutonium reactors, a tritium facility, two chemicals separations plants, a heavy-water plant, hight-level waste tanks, a low level radiation dump, a Navy submarine reactor fuels materials facility (1986), and, by 1989, a defense waste-processing plant for turning high-level nuclear waste into glass logs. The plant employs 15,000 people. Aiken County, South Carolina. August 6, 1983.

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File information
Album name:Rennhack / Savannah River Site (SRS)
Rating (3 votes):22222
Keywords:Savannah / River / Site / (SRS)
Date:August 6, 1983
Credits:Robert Del Tredici - At Work in the Fields of the Bomb
Filesize:51 KiB
Date added:Dec 20, 2005
Dimensions:350 x 554 pixels
Displayed:1597 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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