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The Green River concentrator site is located in Grand County, Utah, and about one-half mile east of the Green River, one mile southeast of the City of Green River, Emery County, Utah
The Green River concentrator was built by Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) in early 1958 and was operated from March of that year to January 1961. The original site covered about 80 acres. The plant shipped uranium concentrate and carbon concentrate products by rail to the UCC uranium mill at Rifle, Colorado, for final processing. Feed to the Green River concentrator plant consisted of sandstone-type ore that contained between 0.27 and 0.30 percent U3O8. The ore was poorly cemented with clay and asphaltic materials, and part of the uranium was contained in the carbonaceous fraction. The carbonaceous fraction was recovered separately by screening and flotation of the ground ore. The flotation product was stockpiled for later treatment. (Removing the carbonaceous fraction was necessary to prevent problems in processing the Green River product at the Rifle, Colorado, mill.)
Keywords: UMTRA

The Green River concentrator site is located in Grand County, Utah, and about one-half mile east of the Green River, one mile southeast of the City of Green River, Emery County, Utah

The Green River concentrator was built by Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) in early 1958 and was operated from March of that year to January 1961. The original site covered about 80 acres. The plant shipped uranium concentrate and carbon concentrate products by rail to the UCC uranium mill at Rifle, Colorado, for final processing. Feed to the Green River concentrator plant consisted of sandstone-type ore that contained between 0.27 and 0.30 percent U3O8. The ore was poorly cemented with clay and asphaltic materials, and part of the uranium was contained in the carbonaceous fraction. The carbonaceous fraction was recovered separately by screening and flotation of the ground ore. The flotation product was stockpiled for later treatment. (Removing the carbonaceous fraction was necessary to prevent problems in processing the Green River product at the Rifle, Colorado, mill.)

greenriver.gif 20100914012.JPG P5250035.JPG IMG_3587.jpg Trojan D&D _03 162.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Green River Concentrator
Filesize:43 KiB
Date added:Jan 24, 2006
Dimensions:476 x 342 pixels
Displayed:623 times
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