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DC Cook U1 GE turbine
Now to explain what you see.. those big silver pipe ducts you see coming in are carrying steam. This is not the steam that comes off your spagetti, this is kill-you-right-now steam. The big white metal circles are the turbine housing itself, you're seeing the low-pressure turbines from this angle. On the left you can see a giant tank the steam lines are coming from, that's an MSR (Main Steam Reheater), basically the steam looses umph and gets wet after the high-pressure turbine, so you bounce it through the MSR then slam it to the low pressure turbines. Wet steam is bad business for turbines.

Those things that look like fire extinguishers are, in fact, fire extinguishers. They aren't your conventional extinguishers, though, that's Purple K. Purple K is only seen on the turbine decks in this plant, because it's kept on hand to handle generator fires.

DC Cook U1 GE turbine

Now to explain what you see.. those big silver pipe ducts you see coming in are carrying steam. This is not the steam that comes off your spagetti, this is kill-you-right-now steam. The big white metal circles are the turbine housing itself, you're seeing the low-pressure turbines from this angle. On the left you can see a giant tank the steam lines are coming from, that's an MSR (Main Steam Reheater), basically the steam looses umph and gets wet after the high-pressure turbine, so you bounce it through the MSR then slam it to the low pressure turbines. Wet steam is bad business for turbines.

Those things that look like fire extinguishers are, in fact, fire extinguishers. They aren't your conventional extinguishers, though, that's Purple K. Purple K is only seen on the turbine decks in this plant, because it's kept on hand to handle generator fires.

GREENCOVE3.jpg pvngs_diagram.jpg Unit_1_Turbine__DC_Cook_by_ringshadow.jpg TMI_17.jpg Both1.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Donald C. Cook (DC Cook)
Filesize:117 KiB
Date added:Sep 21, 2008
Dimensions:800 x 600 pixels
Displayed:5268 times
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