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Reactor Vessel Removal
The pressure vessel was carbon steel with a stainless clad and a maximum thickness of 2-inches (50mm). Because the reactor was imbedded in the concrete bio-shield an intact removal was considered cost prohibitive. Mechanical segmentation was performed dry by Wachs Technical Services. Because of low dose rates all cutting was done hands on. Most of the cutting was done using "Wall Mills" (a type of milling machines used successfully on commercial nuclear reactors and their internals for decades). Because the outer vessel wall was wrapped in asbestos, Wachs supervised personnel provided by the abatement contractor during these final cuts. Final cutting of the reactor was done using thermal methods.

Reactor Vessel Removal

The pressure vessel was carbon steel with a stainless clad and a maximum thickness of 2-inches (50mm). Because the reactor was imbedded in the concrete bio-shield an intact removal was considered cost prohibitive. Mechanical segmentation was performed dry by Wachs Technical Services. Because of low dose rates all cutting was done hands on. Most of the cutting was done using "Wall Mills" (a type of milling machines used successfully on commercial nuclear reactors and their internals for decades). Because the outer vessel wall was wrapped in asbestos, Wachs supervised personnel provided by the abatement contractor during these final cuts. Final cutting of the reactor was done using thermal methods.

Seabrook_VFR.jpg reactor-vessel-segmentation-pb250.jpg byron_507.JPG Deco21.jpg sequoyah.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Plum Brook
Filesize:11 KiB
Date added:Mar 22, 2009
Dimensions:250 x 187 pixels
Displayed:1830 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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