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Middlesex Sampling Plant
Ownership of the Middlesex North Site, located in Middlesex, New Jersey, is divided between the Middlesex Presbyterian Church and the Borough of Middlesex. In 1948, approximately 6,000 cubic yards of soil with radioactive contamination from the Middlesex Sampling Plant was disposed of at the landfill.

In 1961, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission removed a portion of contaminated soil from the site and covered the area with 2 feet of clean soil. DOE designated the site for remediation under FUSRAP in 1980. In 1984 and 1986, DOE removed contaminated material from an area of approximately 3 acres at depths of 1 to 19 feet. DOE certified that the site complied with applicable cleanup criteria and released the property for unrestricted use in April 1989.

Middlesex Sampling Plant

Ownership of the Middlesex North Site, located in Middlesex, New Jersey, is divided between the Middlesex Presbyterian Church and the Borough of Middlesex. In 1948, approximately 6,000 cubic yards of soil with radioactive contamination from the Middlesex Sampling Plant was disposed of at the landfill.

In 1961, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission removed a portion of contaminated soil from the site and covered the area with 2 feet of clean soil. DOE designated the site for remediation under FUSRAP in 1980. In 1984 and 1986, DOE removed contaminated material from an area of approximately 3 acres at depths of 1 to 19 feet. DOE certified that the site complied with applicable cleanup criteria and released the property for unrestricted use in April 1989.

On_top_of_Trng.jpg p32b.jpg middlesexnorth_map.jpg Neckarwestheim-6.jpg Los_Alamos-11.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Middlesex
Filesize:18 KiB
Date added:Mar 22, 2009
Dimensions:235 x 372 pixels
Displayed:655 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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