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Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Los Alamos Laboratory, or Project Y, came into existence in early 1943 for a single purpose: to design and build an atomic bomb. The United States knew little about the German atomic program, but the specter of a nuclear-equipped Hitler could not be ignored. As American soldiers trudged through the deserts of North Africa, braved the Normandy beaches, and bled for every yard of distant Iwo Jima and Okinawa, American scientists raced to unlock the power of the atom.
Keywords: Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Los Alamos Laboratory, or Project Y, came into existence in early 1943 for a single purpose: to design and build an atomic bomb. The United States knew little about the German atomic program, but the specter of a nuclear-equipped Hitler could not be ignored. As American soldiers trudged through the deserts of North Africa, braved the Normandy beaches, and bled for every yard of distant Iwo Jima and Okinawa, American scientists raced to unlock the power of the atom.

scan0029.jpg scan0042.jpg lanl_image1.jpg Nebraska13.jpg 7426_1266823109519_1198023524_818621_1456772_n.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Los Alamos National Lab (LANL)
Rating (1 votes):00000
Keywords:Los / Alamos / National / Laboratory / (LANL)
Filesize:10 KiB
Date added:Mar 12, 2005
Dimensions:160 x 133 pixels
Displayed:920 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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