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Rocky Flats
Rocky Flats handles more plutonium than any other facility in the Western world. It manufactures the uranium and plutonium "pits" used in the fission triggers of thermonuclear bombs. The pit is the ball of uranium or plutonium inside the bomb's sphere of chemical high explosives. Rocky Flats also fabricates beryllium neutron reflectors to increase the yield of exploding fission triggers. The plant employs 6,000 people. It is 126 miles upwind from Denver and half a mile form the Great Western Reservoir, visible above the plant. This reservoir serves the nearby town of Broomfield (pop.26, 000). Golden, Colorado. July 17, 1983. 
Keywords: Rocky Flats Plant Nuclear Bomb Facility Environmental Technology Site RFETS

Rocky Flats

Rocky Flats handles more plutonium than any other facility in the Western world. It manufactures the uranium and plutonium "pits" used in the fission triggers of thermonuclear bombs. The pit is the ball of uranium or plutonium inside the bomb's sphere of chemical high explosives. Rocky Flats also fabricates beryllium neutron reflectors to increase the yield of exploding fission triggers. The plant employs 6,000 people. It is 126 miles upwind from Denver and half a mile form the Great Western Reservoir, visible above the plant. This reservoir serves the nearby town of Broomfield (pop.26, 000). Golden, Colorado. July 17, 1983.

80.jpg IMG_1898.JPG 7426_1266823029517_1198023524_818619_4149061_n.jpg Jack_Conrad,_109N_west_end,_late_2008.JPG Jeff Shaw.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Rocky Flats (RFETS)
Keywords:Rocky / Flats / Plant / Nuclear / Bomb / Facility / Environmental / Technology / Site / RFETS
Date:July 17, 1983
Credits:Robert Del Tredici - At Work in the Fields of the Bomb
Filesize:35 KiB
Date added:Dec 21, 2005
Dimensions:504 x 320 pixels
Displayed:1075 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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