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The Bowman facility site is located about seven miles west of the town of Bowman in Bowman County, North Dakota.
Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc., built the facility in late 1963 to convert uraniferous lignite (the raw ore) into a more economically handled form. The plant, operated from March 1964 to February 1967, burned lignite in three natural-gas fired, rotary kilns at a site near the mines to decrease the freight haulage costs. The burning process decomposed and drove off the organic constituents and carbon. The ore’s uranium and molybdenum values were upgraded about two times in the residual ash, which was then shipped by rail for final processing at the company’s Ambrosia Lake, New Mexico, mill. The kilns were 120 feet long by 7 feet in diameter and processed 80-90 tons of lignite ore per day. The raw lignite ore averaged 0.43 percent U3O8. Uranium recovery in the ash product averaged 88 percent. The Bowman plant site covered about 12 acres. At the facility site, radioactively contamination materials were found to locally extend to three feet below the surface. No clearly delineated process-residue pile or a waste

The Bowman facility site is located about seven miles west of the town of Bowman in Bowman County, North Dakota.

Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc., built the facility in late 1963 to convert uraniferous lignite (the raw ore) into a more economically handled form. The plant, operated from March 1964 to February 1967, burned lignite in three natural-gas fired, rotary kilns at a site near the mines to decrease the freight haulage costs. The burning process decomposed and drove off the organic constituents and carbon. The ore’s uranium and molybdenum values were upgraded about two times in the residual ash, which was then shipped by rail for final processing at the company’s Ambrosia Lake, New Mexico, mill. The kilns were 120 feet long by 7 feet in diameter and processed 80-90 tons of lignite ore per day. The raw lignite ore averaged 0.43 percent U3O8. Uranium recovery in the ash product averaged 88 percent. The Bowman plant site covered about 12 acres. At the facility site, radioactively contamination materials were found to locally extend to three feet below the surface. No clearly delineated process-residue pile or a waste

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File information
Album name:Rennhack / Bowman Ashing Facility
Rating (1 votes):44444
Filesize:37 KiB
Date added:Jan 24, 2006
Dimensions:385 x 234 pixels
Displayed:265 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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