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Rich Roger's Demo Crew, 100N
Start of the Spent Fuel Pool Basin Demo..  (Feb 2o11)
F(L-R); Cliff LeMay (RCT), Luke Zirkle, Chad Armortrout
B(L-R); Brian Scott (IH), Mike Kerving (RCT), Josh Hughes, Curtiss Moorman (HEO), Roger Kelly (Teamster), Christy Moon (IH) and Tom Wilhelm (IH).

Rich Roger's Demo Crew, 100N

Start of the Spent Fuel Pool Basin Demo.. (Feb 2o11)
F(L-R); Cliff LeMay (RCT), Luke Zirkle, Chad Armortrout
B(L-R); Brian Scott (IH), Mike Kerving (RCT), Josh Hughes, Curtiss Moorman (HEO), Roger Kelly (Teamster), Christy Moon (IH) and Tom Wilhelm (IH).

2004-2005  Outage Pictures 065.jpg 1_008.JPG Oct_28,_2009_-_RCT_trailer,_Dickson_crew.JPG Tre_Amigos-09.jpg 04783LAstreet-3.jpg
File information
Album name:FrankyJack / Hanford
Rating (1 votes):55555
Filesize:404 KiB
Date added:Mar 24, 2011
Dimensions:1024 x 768 pixels
Displayed:1021 times
DateTime Original:2011:03:07 00:27:46
Model:Canon PowerShot SD780 IS
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:180 dots per ResolutionUnit
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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