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The AP1000 is an advanced 1117 to 1154 MWe nuclear power plant that uses the forces of nature and simplicity of design to enhance plant safety and operations and reduce construction costs.
The Westinghouse AP1000 is a logical extension of its AP600 plant. Design studies have shown that a two-loop configuration could produce over 1000 MWe with minimal changes in the AP600 design. The primary purpose of developing the AP1000 was to retain the AP600 design objectives, design details and licensing basis, while optimizing the power output, thereby reducing the resulting electric generation costs.
Keywords: AP1000


The AP1000 is an advanced 1117 to 1154 MWe nuclear power plant that uses the forces of nature and simplicity of design to enhance plant safety and operations and reduce construction costs.
The Westinghouse AP1000 is a logical extension of its AP600 plant. Design studies have shown that a two-loop configuration could produce over 1000 MWe with minimal changes in the AP600 design. The primary purpose of developing the AP1000 was to retain the AP600 design objectives, design details and licensing basis, while optimizing the power output, thereby reducing the resulting electric generation costs.

ASSEMBLY.jpg 118924058_a170500a1230264310.jpg A.jpg fm1743.jpg temelin-_information_centre.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / AP1000 APWR
Rating (3 votes):44444
Filesize:49 KiB
Date added:Jul 19, 2006
Dimensions:720 x 578 pixels
Displayed:1429 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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