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No Piss in 86
Updated to 87 when I went to Oyster Creek.

The first plant I was piss tested t was Yankee Rowe. Many great guys went without per diem for quite a few days and went home empty handed.
They started the outage 20 techs (at least) short.
Me and the plant manager and some other folks did a source recovery that shut that place down for a couple of shifts.
The night shift rained down lead blankets from the refuel floor.
That was a crazy plant and a crazy outage. What a good time!
And cold as hell!

No Piss in 86

Updated to 87 when I went to Oyster Creek.

The first plant I was piss tested t was Yankee Rowe. Many great guys went without per diem for quite a few days and went home empty handed.
They started the outage 20 techs (at least) short.
Me and the plant manager and some other folks did a source recovery that shut that place down for a couple of shifts.
The night shift rained down lead blankets from the refuel floor.
That was a crazy plant and a crazy outage. What a good time!
And cold as hell!

214.JPG 226.jpg 1CB61AB2.jpg 9F44470B.jpg trojan_plant.jpg
File information
Album name:Tucci / Outage Shirts
Rating (3 votes):55555
Filesize:365 KiB
Date added:Apr 15, 2008
Dimensions:1600 x 1200 pixels
Displayed:1212 times
DateTime Original:2008:04:15 00:04:22
Resolution Unit:Inch
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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