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ANO is Arkansas' only nuclear powered electric generation station, and is owned and operated by the Entergy Corporation. Shown here after dusk, it operates 2 reactors, only one of which uses the visible cooling tower to condense the dry steam created to run the turbines back into liquid water. The other uses the lake water and simply returns the hot water to this "effluent, or discharge" pool off of Lake Dardanelle, creating a great winter fishery.


ANO is Arkansas' only nuclear powered electric generation station, and is owned and operated by the Entergy Corporation. Shown here after dusk, it operates 2 reactors, only one of which uses the visible cooling tower to condense the dry steam created to run the turbines back into liquid water. The other uses the lake water and simply returns the hot water to this "effluent, or discharge" pool off of Lake Dardanelle, creating a great winter fishery.

Angra_2.jpg Outage_Biker.jpg 499870475_0271d07aef_o.jpg BNLblugrass4.jpg 273.JPG
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO)
Rating (2 votes):55555
Filesize:513 KiB
Date added:Sep 18, 2008
Dimensions:773 x 534 pixels
Displayed:1289 times
DateTime Original:2005:04:12 21:16:51
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:300 dots per ResolutionUnit
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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