Outage Roady
On the ground, demo
Preparing for the lift
109N roof, 2008
The 109N roof as it looks today, 2010
View west from 109N roof, 2008
Don Quixote, Outage Worker
Jeff Powell and Brandon Bell
Brian Tate
Dan Bigby, STR; 105N Demo
Debbie zooms in
Small bat found hanging on ERDF box
Tom 'Tall Trees' Patterson, Aug 29, 2010
Another old tunnel exposed during demo.
View of the K Reactors from downriver.
Columbia River, spring time 2010.
Keller find's his pocket full of melted candy
Hanford Elk
Corridor 19 wall.
the mother owl
3 fledgling owls
Rob and Jack, Intermech
Gary Surles
Teamster Ed
Entry 117N
100N, 105N 70' roof
Don Keller
Brandon Bell
Brandon and Pete
Jeff and Johnny, backstage alley
Paul Dickson
Hanford's Elk
Superman's old phone booth perhaps?
Deep discussions at the rubble loadout jobsite
109 roof, surveying steam risers
The Barn Owl
Eppling, Sims
B-Reactor Status Board
Kevin Noak (RCT) with Brad Mewew (job planner)
Mark Sims poses with his favorite 'ride'
Lift Station Entry, 100N
Lift Station Entry, 100N
Lift Station Entry
Corridor 20, 105N
Old Circuit Boards
Room 505, 100N, 105N
Mark Sims and Dave Creech
W Elevator, 105N Reactor
Dave Wells, Room 505
Brian and Jeremy
Mark Sims, RCT supervisor and his crew
Mark Sims
Debbie Poteet, RCT surveys the PRRA tag
The Russians accept the tag
Mark Sims, RCT Supervisor
Vern, Dickson equipment operator
Shannon, teamster
Hanford sunrise, November 17, 2oo9
Ross Hollar
Ralph Baker
Mark Schaffer
Mark Schaffer, extended out a bit.
Larry Mothersbaugh, teamster
Johnny Holcombe, shipyard beta-emission
Jeremy and Joe
Jack Conrad, late 2008
Hank, crane operator from 300 areas
Debbie Poteet, RCT for Eberline
Dickson mechanic, 100N
View from 100N, 109N roof of WNP2 (EnergyNorthwest)
Intermech, 100N cocooning crew of 2008
105N, -16' Room 40 access. Debbie Poteet presiding
RCT trailer, supporting Dickson
105N Control Room demo
Hamlin, Crockett and the Dickson Mechanic
Robert Leeder
109N Demo
Hanford, 105N