Silver Dollar - Hwy 24, summer of 2009
Measuring 109N roof. March 2009
The respirators come off, 109N Roof (Feb o9)
Jeff Powell
109N rooftop discussion
Outage Biker
Chuck Reed, visionary
Shaving Chuck
Cutting piping on the south face of 109N
K Reactor, viewed from the 109N rooftop
Cutting Steam Piping
100N Demo
100N Demo, 105N basement
100N Demo, 105N -16' corridor 5
100N Demo 109N roof
100N Demo 109N Roof
100N Demo Site, 109N Roof
100N Demo
100N 105N 0' corridor 7
100N 105N 0' corridor 7
100N, 105N 0' corridor 7
James Kelly
James Kelly
PLEASE don't tell me I heard that...
So.... Why was it I took the lead position again?
100N Loadout, 2008 Team Captains
Preparing for abatement
Controlled Confusion
Looking west from 100N
waste load out into boxes for burial at ERDF
Amazing Sunset at 100N
The tailor shop
Asbestos Abatement 100N 109N basement
100N 109N Roof
Hanford RCTs
Hot Cell Plasma Torch
Hanford Tank Farm
Hanford n-Reactor
The B Plant Reprocessing Canyon
The World's First Plutonium Factory
Hanford Ditch 216-B (B-2-3)
242-A Evaporator
Liquid Effluent Retention Facility
The 200 Areas Treated Effluent Disposal Facility treats and stores radioactive waste.
Hanford Reservation, Richland, Washington
SX Tank Farm at Hanford Nuclear Reservation
Tank Farms
B Reactor
Fast Flux Test Facility
Hanford Nuclear Reservation
Hanford Map
Hanford Site
Hanford Map
Hanford Map
Hanford Site Map