
Alvin W. Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant10/07/06 at 22:34beercourt: The water is also 10x as wide as the Savannah Rive...

Unnamed Model08/31/06 at 23:30Atomic_Punk: Bob on a Boob. Now THAT'S art!

Farewell Lunch08/19/06 at 02:13Atomic_Punk: You couldn't ask for a better boss than this l...

South Texas Project 1RE01 Team06/18/06 at 12:31Marvin: Not correct - bottom row left to right Robert Butl...

Clinton new reactor location05/31/06 at 22:19Trinian23: Actually, new service building location.

The B Plant Reprocessing Canyon05/19/06 at 10:50stormgoalie: Great picture, unfortunately that is NOT B-Plant, ...

South Texas Project 1RE01 Team02/14/06 at 15:08lulytech: stp team 1re01, bottom row left to right Robert Bu...

GREENCOVE302/09/06 at 14:08DecommMan: EXCELLENT!

Piqua01/25/06 at 15:47DecommMan: Its better in Piqua.

Calvert Cliffs01/16/06 at 08:37Kernwerker: Are you sure about that it was a F5 tornado?

Nightshift RV Head RP Crew01/13/06 at 21:20allforthenukie: Hey! You guys quit goofing off and get back to wor...

Unloading 14-foot fuel assembly at STP12/31/05 at 15:24Davis0103: Thoes are 17 foot

NF-4587 This "Survival Town" house12/30/05 at 19:20ebanks: Operation Teapot, number 62, tower shot.

NF-250 The 37 KT Priscilla Test in 195712/30/05 at 19:17ebanks: Operation Plumbob, number 91.

The Stokes Test12/30/05 at 19:16ebanks: Operation Plumbob, number 99.

DOPPLER12/30/05 at 19:15ebanks: Operation Plumbob, number 102.

HOOD12/30/05 at 19:14ebanks: Operation Plumbob, number 93, highest yield NTS at...

PRISCILLA12/30/05 at 19:11ebanks: Operation Plumbob, number 91.

GRABLE12/30/05 at 19:09ebanks: Operation Upshot-Knothole, number 42, airburst.

FIZEAU12/30/05 at 19:06ebanks: Operation Plumbob, number 110.

DIABLO12/30/05 at 19:03ebanks: This was part of Operation Plumbob, number 94.

DeBACA12/30/05 at 19:01ebanks: De Baca was part of the Hardtack II Operation. Nu...

APACHE12/30/05 at 18:54ebanks: Part of Operation Redwing. Number 82 at 1.85Mt.

Seminole12/30/05 at 18:35ebanks: This was part of the Redwing Operation. It was th...

Alvin W. Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant12/29/05 at 18:32ebanks: Notice anything wrong? They have added two more c...

2005 NukeWorker Team Photo12/21/05 at 13:42DecommMan: Ok so whos who here?

Chase Environmental Group12/19/05 at 11:41DecommMan: Nice back.

Nightshift RV Head RP Crew10/01/05 at 01:20Buzmike1: Did anybody look under the RX head for Mike? I am ...

Rod & Jean at the 'Yard' control point!09/29/05 at 13:01Pdiddy: heeb rules!

Rod & Jean at the 'Yard' control point!09/29/05 at 01:58makua13: Is Rod surfing?

Cathy Davis & Rich Kelly08/30/05 at 18:27makua13: Also Kevin Otoole

Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6)08/19/05 at 13:00Rennhack: It's UF6, just like the name says.

08/19/05 at 12:59Rennhack: It's not, they are locals to St Paul.

Bruce-208/08/05 at 14:04srpflash: There will be many more of these facilities in the...

06/16/05 at 15:44johngault: without purpoise or meaning

Blane05/31/05 at 00:57UncaBuffalo: ...or 'Blaine'...as the 'Case' may...

I need someone to identify this detonation for me.05/17/05 at 11:13llawhorn: The category says "Nevada Test Site", bu...

Plenum Workers in PAPR05/06/05 at 14:11DecommMan: go Chuck go.

05/03/05 at 22:10recycle: anyone know if this is picture of Mr.Big Ernie(Din...

Barry & Rick S/G 0504/26/05 at 16:04sweetpea: Lead Geezer!

Ed Breault and Tamra04/13/05 at 22:48HAIRDUDE: Ed! You've come a long way since Hydro at DC Cook ...

Roll Tide04/11/05 at 09:36Roll Tide: ROLL TIDE!!!!

Tarheel Tamra04/06/05 at 05:53Pdiddy: the cajun colgate smile!

View from the Stack04/04/05 at 09:45Rennhack: Nice view.

Core at Ginna03/30/05 at 09:55Rennhack: This is one of my all time favorite pictures.

Uranium Hexafluoride (UF6)03/10/05 at 08:16allforthenukie: What is it?

Bruno & Tamra03/10/05 at 07:07Atomic Frog: Love her Smile 8-)

Lo & Janet03/08/05 at 04:07Atomic_Punk: Janet from another planet AKA JFAP!

Barry & Rick S/G 0503/08/05 at 04:05Atomic_Punk: Barry, those glasses make you look fat!

Turkey Point MacGregor Cup Team02/27/05 at 16:33Rennhack: Hey, those are NOT NukeWorker can Kozies

Ctmnt Dome Final Survey01/29/05 at 02:39allforthenukie: Great Pic! I like this shot.

rennhack at pppl-201/08/05 at 12:14JessJen: what a funny lookin man in that bartlett shirt :-...

40hr Hazwopr Clay12/30/04 at 17:49SuzieD: The BEST looking Guy at Oak Ridge!---Love you Clay...

Hwday7512/08/04 at 11:02Nuclear_Dog: Good shot of Douglas Point, the steam plant and th...

bruce d12/08/04 at 11:01Nuclear_Dog: Nice view of Bruce "A"

Bruce-312/08/04 at 10:58Nuclear_Dog: Good views of the Bruce site, 9 reactors on one si...

Bruce-212/08/04 at 10:51Nuclear_Dog: This is a veiw of Bruce"B" looking to th...

12/08/04 at 10:47Nuclear_Dog: Bruce "B" in the foreground Douglas Poin...

12/07/04 at 17:44Nuclear_Dog: I couldn'tget out of there quick enough :!: :!: ...

Payday!11/04/04 at 12:13UncaBuffalo: Don't take it 'til he gives you diem, Lori! :)

Farewell Lunch11/01/04 at 04:29Atomic_Punk: Actually, that's Ron, Adrienne, Theresa, and Kurt....

Smitty, Jim and Tom Relaxing after Work at Wendels10/28/04 at 16:40Jerry 23: Scary group here!!!! Is Pipe's teaching Schneidly...

Relaxing after Work at Wendels10/28/04 at 16:38Jerry 23: Check out the HUGE cranium on that lad in the red ...

Some guy with a sawzall10/21/04 at 05:37Atomic_Punk: That "some guy" is BooBoo

Containment Remediation10/20/04 at 23:22david400_2: makes nice wallpaper

Sequoyah Unit 1 SGRP10/15/04 at 23:40Surveyors_mato: :lol: Hey Jeff, Sexy Krystal says Hey! :lol:

Duane Arnold Nuclear Power Plant10/13/04 at 17:54drywell03: HI all this is Jennifer Stark well now Jennifer Tu...

ignalina10/11/04 at 14:20Kernwerker: 1300 MW RBMK type?

"Who goes there?!"09/08/04 at 03:50Atomic_Punk: Yes folks, they let even Carl have a gun!

Kight & Rennhack09/08/04 at 03:48Atomic_Punk: My Mullet was better!!

Jeff and Domilee09/04/04 at 04:52Atomic_Punk: Jeffro's doin' his part to keep the Mullet alive! ...

Clinton Worker08/25/04 at 11:06WTF: What's up George

Cooper Nuclear Power Plant08/20/04 at 18:20HydroDave63: "The Planet's BEST energy value" :roll:

Oops08/19/04 at 03:27Atomic_Punk: You guys look WAY too happy.

Turkey Point Aux08/17/04 at 22:44McCrank: I guess that answers the "boxers or briefs&qu...
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