Last comments - Nuclear Facilities

05/25/13 at 15:08tgerk: I saw him at Perry last month. He hasn't chan...

Bowl E Oke - 200801/09/13 at 22:35UncaBuffalo: Half the crew on one of the funnest outages ever. ...

Savannah River Map12/27/12 at 15:53BetaAnt: Looks like the underground T-3 plumes

Hatch Crew11/02/12 at 09:37radbitch: Sure do miss the hatch crew

It's been too long for me to remember names.....04/04/12 at 12:38PWHoppe: This image is Mike Benson, may he RIP

Plenum Workers in Bubble Hoods and Bomb Gear02/08/12 at 03:17UncaBuffalo: I still want to know the 'what' and ...

Brett LaVigne, Bill Rigby, Paul Melendy with Japan visitors.12/28/11 at 20:29Brett LaVigne: Looking at our alpha control program. They were wi...

12/28/11 at 20:27Brett LaVigne: John Viehweg, Zach Galluzo, Brett LaVigne, Jack Da...

12/28/11 at 20:26Brett LaVigne: Glove box designed to punch a hole for inspection/...

12/28/11 at 20:25Brett LaVigne: Mike Dragosljvich and Frank Mojica

12/28/11 at 20:23Brett LaVigne: Brett LaVigne checking for gammas...found a few.

12/28/11 at 20:21Brett LaVigne: First look into the drywell in nearly 30 years!

12/28/11 at 20:21Brett LaVigne: Drywell cover, keeping the alpha's at bay!

12/28/11 at 20:19Brett LaVigne: Humboldt Bay progression mural by local artist on ...

12/28/11 at 20:17Brett LaVigne: Rafael Barajas getting ready to enter the resin di...

12/28/11 at 20:16Brett LaVigne: Removing the IP Heater from the Con Bay.

12/28/11 at 20:16Brett LaVigne: Preparing the Main Steam Stop Valve for removal fr...

12/28/11 at 20:14Brett LaVigne: Mike Soleno and Samantha Stephens. Nuclear romance...

David Banner11/03/11 at 14:40FrankyJack: maybe this is just a distant cousin of bruce?

11/03/11 at 14:35FrankyJack: Taken of Intermech's Crew as the project woun...

11/03/11 at 14:34FrankyJack: Intermech's Final Thirteen

Hope Creek Fuel Rod10/05/11 at 12:50u000gbk: Awesome picture !!!

David Banner09/22/11 at 16:18radrat: It was Bruce Banner...

No....YOU pick it up!08/06/11 at 18:10HouseDad: That's just wrong....

1980 Vida,Sully,D.Webster & Harvey Price08/01/11 at 23:48jkj: yeah, that's webster on the far right.

Karen! Late 80's05/08/11 at 11:41harleydad101: Karen I miss you, Jeff

name that tech03/25/11 at 14:00HAIRDUDE: Marie Selman in the middle with her Mr. T starter ...

Wayne Mandrell03/25/11 at 13:57HAIRDUDE: OMG Doooood! You look all growed up! Been a LONG t...

Koeberg03/24/11 at 20:33Guest_Liscougrus: laxatives to lose weight (...) Wow, the colors are...

Palo Verde Rx Cavity During Fuel Movement03/06/11 at 19:40razor: The pictures are all of only the plant and none of...

Tasha Gerken Valerie Sigmon & Amy Sargis03/04/11 at 10:37TE: TY JJ! LOL

Greg Gothard and Cassandra O'Neil02/14/11 at 09:15FrankyJack: I wrote O'Neil and I should apologize, it'...

The Dive Team02/07/11 at 10:13FrankyJack: They were trying to pull screens for the pump inta...

The Dive Team02/07/11 at 01:12UncaBuffalo: What'd you have to dive?

Reading a smear01/08/11 at 02:33UncaBuffalo: plot's a little weak... ;)

David Banner12/06/10 at 16:10fogort: or was it Bruce Banner?... too far back to be s...

Dickson Crew12/06/10 at 16:09fogort: L-R Dave Wells, Dan Morris (in back), Chuck Reed a...

Dinger10/29/10 at 19:28xobxdoc: Worked with Dennis my first job off the boat at SO...

Inside the Reactor10/27/10 at 11:08fogort: Did anyone remember to bring the sharpie?

Jack Conrad10/12/10 at 00:00UncaBuffalo: Look at the that one! ;)

K Dog feeding the ducks10/04/10 at 18:55HydroDave63: Muscovies are the smartest and goofiest ducks ever...

Moretti's birthday party10/01/10 at 12:17UncaBuffalo: Chuck Stewart

Dinger09/30/10 at 08:31fogort: One of Dennis and Shirley's own finest

Dinger09/29/10 at 15:29UncaBuffalo: Is that a baby Dinger of THE Dingers...with the le...

Bill - hard at work in the early 80's09/28/10 at 02:38jkj: tight spot for a nap.---have not seen bill (rock...

Racoon Treed on the 10909/22/10 at 19:07fogort: Frisking him wasn't as bad as you'd expect...

Racoon Treed on the 10909/20/10 at 16:39UncaBuffalo: Who got the short straw and had to frisk him out? ...

Noreen09/18/10 at 18:56UncaBuffalo: Pencil me in for the tour early next year... :)

Trudi09/16/10 at 17:47fogort: I mispelled her name, with apologies.. Trudy

Noreen09/13/10 at 16:05fogort: That would be my Mrs... The Hanford tour of the ...

Moretti's birthday party09/03/10 at 13:45Jack U. Loyd: What a flashback..........even made it in for nigh...

Excursion while at Condenser Tube Cleaning Symposium, Oranjestadt Aruba08/10/10 at 09:58xobxdoc: My son cruising through the fire coral at Mangel H...

Don Quixote, Outage Worker08/06/10 at 10:41UncaBuffalo: Yup! It's on my WALL-OF-FAME! (...also kn...

Don Quixote, Outage Worker08/05/10 at 13:18FrankyJack: I believe you've seen this already... my favo...

Don Quixote, Outage Worker08/05/10 at 10:28UncaBuffalo: The young man knows the rules but,The old man the ...

Inspirational view of 182N08/04/10 at 13:23FrankyJack: Something at Hanford inspirational?.. Now THATS ...

Tom 'Tall Trees' Patterson, Aug 29, 201008/04/10 at 08:46FrankyJack: Tom says he logged the Hanford reservation back wh...
Date added=Mar 28, 2009 n1043175681_86215_5085[1].jpg](albums/userpics/33308/thumb_n1043175681_86215_5085%5B1%5D.jpg)
Amanda Wease08/03/10 at 16:36Rennhack: Aparently she is "Amanda Wease", and som...

08/03/10 at 16:35Rennhack: Don't you wish you could tag people like on fa...

VC Summer Nuclear Power Plant08/03/10 at 16:33Rennhack: It looks like a stitched together panorama, but a ...

08/03/10 at 16:29Rennhack: FSS Data Points - Red is the corners of the grid, ...

08/03/10 at 08:44FrankyJack: containment dome I'm guessin'
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