Last comments - Nuclear Facilities

Tasha Gerken Valerie Sigmon & Amy Sargis07/19/10 at 12:20vikingfan: tasha looks hot even in an orange

100N Demo, 105N -16' corridor 507/15/10 at 12:01FrankyJack: i found old 'blank' ammo under there... ...

05/22/10 at 14:19UncaBuffalo: So...what is happening here?

Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant05/20/10 at 02:58josh1107: fyi this is a picture of unit 4 and 5 which are co...

Superman's old phone booth perhaps?04/15/10 at 11:59FrankyJack: Actually, it's now long gone... it was an ol...

The Barn Owl04/08/10 at 11:38UncaBuffalo: Was it hot? Remember that 23(?) mR frog that John...

Kevin Noak (RCT) with Brad Mewew (job planner)03/11/10 at 19:20FrankyJack: My apologies to Mr Mewes and Mr Noack, the mispell...

What's this guy on?03/02/10 at 22:30UncaBuffalo: Good guys wear black? ;)

What's this guy on?03/01/10 at 19:54FrankyJack: This guy still needs his 'white' Bartlett ...

John Mattingly Catawba 198502/25/10 at 10:21xobxdoc: He lost his middle finger hitching his trailer. He...

Beaver Valley nightshift watering hole02/23/10 at 13:38cjhunter: Christine Baugh is the one on the left

VC Summer Nuclear Power Plant02/21/10 at 18:53UncaBuffalo: Is this a real photo, or a computer simulation?!?!...

IP2 198702/10/10 at 11:56amassu2602: watch it, SKOOTER!

IP2 198702/06/10 at 18:30beercourt: Yes, it should be spelled BUFFY

02/04/10 at 17:58xobxdoc: That's right, we did call him Skooter, like fr...

Moretti's birthday party02/04/10 at 17:50xobxdoc: right behind the birthday boy, the one Pete Beck i...

DC Cook Chicago Outing circa 1987??02/04/10 at 12:32amassu2602: ACID WASH, BABY!

Moretti's birthday party02/04/10 at 11:40amassu2602: wheres the EX??? I don't see her...

IP2 198702/04/10 at 11:30amassu2602: you mean IP2...didn't we call this the "s...

IP2 198702/04/10 at 10:11amassu2602: You spelled my first name wrong...THAT and I'm...

IP2 198702/03/10 at 19:28xobxdoc: That should read IP@ not IP@

IP2 198702/03/10 at 19:27xobxdoc: That should read IP2 not IP@

Dana, Regina & Amanda02/03/10 at 13:41Mounder: RCTs?.......yep, there's the cigarettes in the...

Tasha Erwin02/03/10 at 13:37Mounder: I'd hire her.

Moretti's birthday party02/01/10 at 22:04xobxdoc: I forgot Pete Beck

Moretti's birthday party02/01/10 at 19:23UncaBuffalo: Ed Davidson...

02/01/10 at 19:08UncaBuffalo: Classic! Can I give this pic SIX stars? ;)

Shell Beach party ~198802/01/10 at 12:37UncaBuffalo: Is that Boothie in the background?

02/01/10 at 09:48xobxdoc: For some reason, Cris liked to say his own name a ...

02/01/10 at 09:45xobxdoc: That's right, that's Beercourt

Electric Boat - A1W Overhaul @ NRF01/30/10 at 13:13UncaBuffalo: 1987? Rory, Matt, Rick, Mike, Gene, ?, ?, Gary......

Mark Sims, RCT supervisor and his crew01/25/10 at 04:28stormgoalie: Gee, I was there when that tag was hung...... inte...

01/08/10 at 07:54UncaBuffalo: This is INL, not ANL. (and they have changed the ...

Barry & Rick S/G 0511/24/09 at 14:18Atomic_Punk: Grandpaw Munster.

Barney????11/24/09 at 14:14Atomic_Punk: No. Someone posted the pix in the wrong place.

Trojan Nuclear Power Plant, Rainier Ore11/24/09 at 14:13Atomic_Punk: I think "Damn shame" is more appropriate...

Jack Conrad, late 200811/24/09 at 14:10Atomic_Punk: Gonzo! Not only one of the finest techs on the Ha...

Jack Conrad, late 200811/19/09 at 10:18UncaBuffalo: Late for the whole year?!?!? Wow! Good on ya, Go...

DC Cook Worker10/21/09 at 16:10BuddyThePug: It's SuperMario !!

Tasha Erwin10/16/09 at 16:17HAIRDUDE: Oh my God ... I can't feel my legs ... I can...

10/16/09 at 16:08HAIRDUDE: Nancy!? Is that you?!

10/16/09 at 16:07HAIRDUDE: OMG! Larry (Large) Johnson and Gerry Wood together...

Trojan Nuclear Power Plant, Rainier Ore10/01/09 at 22:28UncaBuffalo: Is 'idle' the right word when your reactor...

Silver Dollar - Hwy 24, summer of 200910/01/09 at 19:36UncaBuffalo: Bummer... :(

09/04/09 at 12:36UncaBuffalo: What does this piece of equipment do?

Trojan Nuclear Power Plant (decommissioned)08/27/09 at 12:29UncaBuffalo: Trojan's Visitors Center

Diablo 08 - Shrimp Feed08/04/09 at 19:24NDTgirl: wow, I hardly recognize Willie there =D

Sequoyah Unit 1 SGRP08/03/09 at 09:09soko3: Is THIS Terry Kelley???? Looks like him....crooked...

Clinton - 1991(?)07/01/09 at 11:13UncaBuffalo: Actually '93, I think...same party with the gr...

decon of MSIV06/22/09 at 18:41HydroDave63: standby for an airborne CRUD burst!

Davis Bessie Nuclear Power Plant06/12/09 at 00:52HydroDave63: MISO wants us to test the fault til it clears!!

The B Plant Reprocessing Canyon06/11/09 at 16:35105KW: And T-plant was the first Large scale plant, not B...

Diablo 08 - Shrimp Feed05/28/09 at 04:19hamsamich: kalunk!!
Date added=Mar 28, 2009 n1043175681_86215_5085[1].jpg](albums/userpics/33308/thumb_n1043175681_86215_5085%5B1%5D.jpg)
Amanda Wease04/10/09 at 15:32harleydad101: who is this and why are there some many pics of he...

SATSOP03/25/09 at 19:02UncaBuffalo: Of course, if it's Satsop, it's NOT Hanfor...

Ed Breault and Tamra03/11/09 at 23:38nuke_girl: yup yup thats my handsome cuz !! it was nice seein...

Nightshift RV Head RP Crew03/10/09 at 00:51imbucky: That was fun, we should do that again?

Big Rock Map01/23/09 at 06:29mechmaniac85: Good historical perspective. Nice green fields no...

Smolensk01/22/09 at 09:41UncaBuffalo: Love the hats! Think I'll suggest our control...

Davis Bessie Nuclear Power Plant01/15/09 at 14:55UncaBuffalo: ???

02 214e01/15/09 at 09:54UncaBuffalo: So...what am I looking at?

Barney????12/21/08 at 20:22UncaBuffalo: Is that really Trojan? I never saw any purple PC...

Jack Conrad12/20/08 at 10:45UncaBuffalo: ...on the wrong side of the rope...again...

Diablo 08 - Breakfast Club12/16/08 at 14:02UncaBuffalo: Why do you call him 'Pukie'?

Callaway - '02(?)12/07/08 at 15:40UncaBuffalo: The other plants I worked while owning that vehicl...

Callaway - '02(?)12/06/08 at 00:01Nuclear_NASCAR: Callaway's turbine deck isn't open to the ...

100N Demo, 105N -16' corridor 512/05/08 at 12:15UncaBuffalo: Dude, if you're scared, say you're scared!...

Bowl E Oke - 200812/04/08 at 15:57hamsamich: Look at those arms, o my god.

Rancho Seco Basic Schematic11/29/08 at 15:38DecommMan: sweet

11/24/08 at 22:01wrecked_edsel: Got to love this Kirby and Son of a Mitch at the V...

Bungee Jump - 199111/10/08 at 19:39UncaBuffalo: I think it was outside of Amboy, WA...but it was s...

Bungee Jump - 199111/04/08 at 04:05ambrown06: Where was this taken?

Browns Ferry11/04/08 at 04:02ambrown06: This picture brings back several memories of my ch...
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