Last comments - Nuclear Facilities

Tim Lawson and Brett LaVigne 199310/24/08 at 09:41bumblebee: tim keep your hands off the men folk or ill be for...

Bowl E Oke - 200810/01/08 at 22:55Bat Man: Hey, I hear there is a gun show in Nebraska City t...

Bowl E Oke - 200810/01/08 at 22:53Bat Man: Yes, this picture should instill some confidence i...

Bowl E Oke - 200810/01/08 at 22:50Bat Man: Yo, Vinny "The Shiv"! Fagetaboutit!

Bowl E Oke - 200810/01/08 at 22:46Bat Man: I swear this picture and my apparent "conditi...

Promotional photo for the Trojan Plant09/18/08 at 18:50UncaBuffalo: I think this must have been right before the FBI a...

Birchfield's Crew!09/17/08 at 18:38UncaBuffalo: 1988 or 1989

Lisa09/17/08 at 18:34UncaBuffalo: Dressing out a platform worker.

199109/17/08 at 18:33UncaBuffalo: Chris Carter? S/G Access Trailer.

Fermi in your rear view mirror09/16/08 at 16:37Rennhack: I would have titled this picture "Happiness i...

200809/15/08 at 06:12UncaBuffalo: Actually, I think I looks more like I wa...

Bowl E Oke - 200809/13/08 at 17:07stewdill: my pookie JIM call me babes.

Bungee Jump - 199109/13/08 at 11:20UncaBuffalo: I can recognize Janet, Blaine, & Bob, but...?

Jerry Jeff Walke Concert09/13/08 at 11:19UncaBuffalo: OOPS! Missing an 'r' on the end of Walker...

Refuel Bridge09/13/08 at 10:58UncaBuffalo: NOT a 'Refuel Bridge'. Actually, it'...

Refuel Bridge09/13/08 at 10:57UncaBuffalo: OOPS! That's not a 'Refuel Bridge'......

200809/13/08 at 10:01UncaBuffalo: OOOPS! That ain't Cooper! Sorry!

Battelle08/18/08 at 02:35TE: gosh, this brings back memories! seems like a drea...

So.... Why was it I took the lead position again?08/07/08 at 14:35stormgoalie: Greg looks too happy. Cheers, Jim Rodgers

Alvin W. Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant08/06/08 at 00:46srharville: The site is definitely not Vogtle - there are curr...

Proof of the Best Tech Ever07/28/08 at 15:27Bat Man: I am just honored to be in the same photo with the...

07/13/08 at 22:00bytie: This is A/M-Area at Savannah River Site

Tennessee Paul.07/05/08 at 20:32HydroDave63: nice lookin mullet there TVols ;)

05/27/08 at 14:53rjjohnson83404: That is NOT a picture of the Plutonium Finishing P...

05/21/08 at 13:14nobody: Randy Parsons

CHERNOBYL 00205/03/08 at 03:46UncaBuffalo: 002...Licensed to Kill?

Proof of the Best Tech Ever04/28/08 at 03:06UncaBuffalo: Left to Right: K-Ris, "T.B.R.P.T.E", Br...

Nightshift RV Head RP Crew04/18/08 at 05:46jrjr23: Are you sure the only one missing is Mike Imler???...

Diablo 08 - Breakfast Club04/15/08 at 19:16stewdill: That is POOKIE!!!!

Diablo 08 - Paintball04/14/08 at 01:18stewdill: Truely a scarey site to behold

Diablo 08 - Breakfast Club04/14/08 at 01:12stewdill: JIM IS DA HOTTIE ON THE RIGHT!!!!

Lasalle contractors entrance04/09/08 at 12:31HydroDave63: just like the "Nie Blankies" signs in So...

Diablo 08 - Breakfast Club04/08/08 at 18:45incrediblehulk: You talk about a diamond in the middle of a cow fl...

Diablo 08 - Paintball04/06/08 at 04:03UncaBuffalo: Melissa, Patti, Debbie, Kevin, Kris (in back), San...

Diablo 08 - Paintball04/06/08 at 00:08UncaBuffalo: Sorry, Patti! Didn't mean to put the 'e...

Diablo 08 - Paintball04/04/08 at 08:37UncaBuffalo: Oops! I didn't mean to put 2 S's in K-Ris...

Diablo 0804/03/08 at 01:50stewdill: Jim (Pookie) is such a cutie pie!!!

Diablo 08 - Shrimp Feed03/30/08 at 00:01UncaBuffalo: Jonathan, Melissa, Mary Ann, John, & Willie vi...

Diablo 0803/29/08 at 23:57UncaBuffalo: Connie, Deb, Joe, Andrew & Jim

Diablo 08 - Shrimp Feed03/29/08 at 23:55UncaBuffalo: HAL!!!

Diablo 08 - Shrimp Feed03/28/08 at 22:22UncaBuffalo: YAY! Go Schlebs! ;)

Diablo Canyon Whales03/16/08 at 03:39UncaBuffalo: They were spouting out there the other day on the ...

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Bldg. 47012/24/07 at 16:02DecommMan: Sweet

Conleys11/20/07 at 02:37Atomic_Punk: Gary, rest in peace old friend.

Ed Breault and Tamra11/01/07 at 21:15rocknrollrick: whassup ya...kath

Palisades Nuclear Power Plant10/03/07 at 00:19inyourface: see, this is what the pits of hell looks like

Saint Lucie Spring Outage 200710/01/07 at 18:43kaveman32: Sam the man.

Nightshift RV Head RP Crew09/08/07 at 21:40inyourface: They look to happy to have actually been doing som...

Chris Flutie and Rebecca08/09/07 at 20:19Rennhack: It IS Chris Flutie, I was there.

Chris Flutie and Rebecca08/05/07 at 17:00radwst: this is not Chris Flutie, it is Sean Brenner

Nukie Welder06/10/07 at 04:08makua13: Ms Kitty

Booger, Julie, Melissa,Mike,Harry,Bruce, and Elaine04/25/07 at 07:12stewdill: His name was Ron. Man I told you that I got his na...

Sequoyah Unit 1 SGRP02/05/07 at 22:47DecommMan: Mr Magenta

Sequoyah Unit 1 SGRP02/05/07 at 22:42DecommMan: Its all in getting the shot set just right - as is...

Sequoyah Fire Ops02/05/07 at 22:40DecommMan: a patch?

Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant02/05/07 at 22:39DecommMan: Nice photo - black and white is a great contrast i...

Sequoyah U1 SGRP02/05/07 at 22:38DecommMan: Serious folks

Sequoyah U1 SGRP02/05/07 at 22:36DecommMan: Original photo - nice.

Rod & Jean at the 'Yard' control point!01/26/07 at 02:00Atomic_Punk: He's writing love letters to RePete.

1980 Vida,Sully,D.Webster & Harvey Price12/28/06 at 01:59weebil: Order is wrong, it's Jimmy Vida, Billy "S...

Steve Hall in the Airlock10/26/06 at 19:26UncaBuffalo: SOL? They actually WRITE that on you before they ...

Alvin W. Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant10/07/06 at 22:34beercourt: The water is also 10x as wide as the Savannah Rive...

Farewell Lunch08/19/06 at 02:13Atomic_Punk: You couldn't ask for a better boss than this l...

South Texas Project 1RE01 Team06/18/06 at 12:31Marvin: Not correct - bottom row left to right Robert Butl...

Clinton new reactor location05/31/06 at 22:19Trinian23: Actually, new service building location.

The B Plant Reprocessing Canyon05/19/06 at 10:50stormgoalie: Great picture, unfortunately that is NOT B-Plant, ...

South Texas Project 1RE01 Team02/14/06 at 15:08lulytech: stp team 1re01, bottom row left to right Robert Bu...

GREENCOVE302/09/06 at 14:08DecommMan: EXCELLENT!

Piqua01/25/06 at 15:47DecommMan: Its better in Piqua.

Calvert Cliffs01/16/06 at 08:37Kernwerker: Are you sure about that it was a F5 tornado?

Nightshift RV Head RP Crew01/13/06 at 21:20allforthenukie: Hey! You guys quit goofing off and get back to wor...

Unloading 14-foot fuel assembly at STP12/31/05 at 15:24Davis0103: Thoes are 17 foot

PRISCILLA12/30/05 at 19:11ebanks: Operation Plumbob, number 91.
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