Image search results - "south"
South Texas Project
South Texas Project
South Texas Project Electric Generating Plant
South Texas Project 1RE01 Team
Humboldt Bay Map
Humboldt Bay Map
Nuclear plant protection best in world
Safety procedures are tested in annual drills
Three separate, sealed systems use reactor heat to generate electricity
New steam generators on way to STP
Old steam generator being removed
New steam generator being installed
Fuel assembly being loaded into reactor
Steam turns four large turbines, connected in line
Turbine generator deck next to containment building
The four turbines turn the generator rotor
Electricity is distributed through the switchyard
Fuel pellet has power of nearly one ton of coal
Top of fuel assembly
Unloading 14-foot fuel assembly at STP
Fuel assemblies are removed and replaced using a Refueling Machine
Reactor Core holds 193 fuel assemblies
Spent fuel storage pool
South Texas Project
South Texas Project Map
South Texas Project Map
Humbolt Bay Nuclear stack removal.
Humboldt Bay nuclear reactor, Fields Landing, near Eureka, CA
Humboldt Bay nuclear power plant south of Eureka, shut down since 1976
South Texas Project
Three Man party at Rennhacks place.
Pre- Outage PArt at steak house near STP
STP sunset
Spring at STP
South Texas Project
South Texas Project
Sam Serpa, Bill Apple, Robert Wright, and Burine Stuart
STP Rx head-cavity
STP Reservoir
STP refuel machine
STP Power Lines
Martin and Trish Brito
Rennhack and Bill Cambel
Kevin Bowers, Shela, and Kevin's Brother
Al E Gator
Distant image of STP
Dee Dee and Then Hubbie
Dee Dee and Friends
STP's Core
STP's control room
Chris Dodgen
STP Containment view from a Polar Crain
Billy Odecker