Steam turns four large turbines, connected in line1342 views
Mark Sims, RCT supervisor and his crew1342 views
Old Circuit Boards1341 views
Hanford Elk1338 views
Tank Farms1337 views
Under Vessel workers and HP Warren Gunderman1334 views
Mike, Gripp, and Mark (The generator crew)1331 views
Cleaning the Waterbox1331 views
Comanche Peak - In the morning1330 views
River near Columbia Generating Station1325 views
Tunnel inside Yucca Mountain repository1325 views
Preparing for the future1325 views
Cattle Grazing near Callaway1320 views
Fuel pellet has power of nearly one ton of coal1319 views
Hanford Ditch 216-B (B-2-3)1319 views
South Texas Project1317 views
Somebody call for a crane?1317 views
Diablo 08 - Shrimp Feed1313 views
Williams Finest?1311 views
Comanhe Peak from the Fossil Rim Park road1308 views
Miss you Scott1307 views
Susan1306 views
Safety Training1306 views
Diablo 08 - Shrimp Feed1306 views
South Texas Project Map1304 views
The former Shiprock mill site is located on the southwest side of the San Juan River and adjacent to the town of Shiprock in San Juan County, New Mexico. The tract of land on which the former mill was located was leased from the Navajo Nation.1303 views