ABWR (General Electric, Toshiba, Hitachi): Among the three NRC- certified ALWR designs only the ABWR has been deployed. Three ABWRs operate in Japan, and three are under construction, two in Taiwan and one in Japan. While the ABWR design is usually associated in the United States with General Electric, units now being built in Japan are products of Toshiba and Hitachi. Toshiba, and Hitachi frequently associate with General Electric in possible ABWR projects in the U.S. There are many variations in ABWR design. The most frequently mentioned capacities are in the 1250-1500 MWe range though smaller and larger designs have been proposed depending on the vendor. Vendors now claim costs for building the ABWR that are low enough that they have attracted some customer interest.
System 80+ (Westinghouse BNFL): The System 80+ reactor is a PWR designed by Combustion Engineering (CE) and by CE's successor owners ABB and Westinghouse BNFL. The NRC has certified the System 80+ for the U.S. market, but Westinghouse BNFL no longer actively promotes the design for domestic sale. The System 80+ provides the basis for the APR1400 design that has been developed in Korea for future deployment and possible export.
AP600 (Westinghouse BNFL): The AP600 is a 600 MW PWR certified by the NRC. The AP600, while based on previous PWR designs, has innovative passive safety features that permit a greatly simplified reactor design. Simplification has reduced plant components and should reduce construction costs. The AP600 has been bid overseas but has never been built. Westinghouse has deemphasized the AP600 in favor of the larger, though potentially less expensive (on a kilowatt basis) AP1000 design.