Shpack Landfill Site Map
Shpack Landfill (FUSRAP Site)
The Shpack Landfill is located about 65 kilometers (40 miles) southwest of Boston in the towns of Norton and Attleboro, Massachusetts. The landfill began operating in the 1960s as a landfill for both industrial and domestic wastes. The landfill was closed under court-order in the mid-1960s. In the late 1970s a concerned citizen who detected elevated radiation levels at the site contacted the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. It was confirmed that there was radioactivity present that was above acceptable limits and probably originated from activities performed by Texas Instruments (formerly known as M&C Nuclear, Inc.). The landfill contains wastes that are contaminated with high-enriched uranium, low-enriched uranium, natural uranium, depleted uranium, radium and various chemicals. Macroscopic amounts of high-enriched uranium and other radioactive materials were removed during a 1980’s survey by Oak Ridge personnel. The site was part of the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP). The FUSRAP Program was transferred to the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in 1997 in accordance with the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act for FY 1998.