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Public Tours
On Tuesday, April 6 about 60 Fernald stakeholders including members of the Fernald Citizens Advisory Board, Fernald Residents for Environmental Safety and Health (FRESH), and site neighbors attended a two-hour tour of Fernald’s highest profile project. The Department of Energy and Fluor Fernald hosted the Silos tour   to give stakeholders a chance to see the extraction and treatment facilities up close, before operations begin later this month. Visitors got a chance to climb the walkway above the K-65 silos
Keywords: Fernald Closure Project Fernald Green Salt Plant, Feed Materials Production Center, Fernald, Ohio (FEMP)

Public Tours

On Tuesday, April 6 about 60 Fernald stakeholders including members of the Fernald Citizens Advisory Board, Fernald Residents for Environmental Safety and Health (FRESH), and site neighbors attended a two-hour tour of Fernald’s highest profile project. The Department of Energy and Fluor Fernald hosted the Silos tour to give stakeholders a chance to see the extraction and treatment facilities up close, before operations begin later this month. Visitors got a chance to climb the walkway above the K-65 silos

UF6.jpg Public Tours.jpg DSC02238.JPG Picture51.jpg SCWR.jpg
File information
Filename:Public Tours.jpg
Album name:Rennhack / Fernald (FEMP)
Keywords:Fernald / Closure / Project / Fernald / Green / Salt / Plant, / Feed / Materials / Production / Center, / Fernald, / Ohio / (FEMP)
Credits:DOE Photo
Filesize:1290 KiB
Date added:Mar 13, 2005
Dimensions:1500 x 1000 pixels
Displayed:2038 times
Resolution Unit:Inch
Y Resolution:250 dots per ResolutionUnit
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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