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DC Cook U2 Brown Boveri turbine
DC Cook U2 Brown Boveri turbine, as opposed to U1's General Electric turbine.

Story goes that the plant back in the day bought two GE turbines. Matching set, right? Well, apparently Unit 1 went up ok but there was some sort of delay on Unit 2, and GE got pissed and sold Turbine 2 out from under the plant. Then of course construction got going again, and the plant got whatever they could for what they could afford.

So behold, the Brown Boveri turbine. It's a freak of nature, as far as turbines go. It's got a massive, convoluted hydraulic system which you're not seeing here (you don't want to know!), and its valves are lying down. Basically, it's Swiss, and the Swiss modus operandi seems to be "Why use one part if we can use nine?!" Naturally, this particular supplier is out of business, so apparently replacement parts for this thing are getting amusing.

Random aside: You could easily set up a tennis court between the two turbines. There is that much room.

DC Cook U2 Brown Boveri turbine

DC Cook U2 Brown Boveri turbine, as opposed to U1's General Electric turbine.

Story goes that the plant back in the day bought two GE turbines. Matching set, right? Well, apparently Unit 1 went up ok but there was some sort of delay on Unit 2, and GE got pissed and sold Turbine 2 out from under the plant. Then of course construction got going again, and the plant got whatever they could for what they could afford.

So behold, the Brown Boveri turbine. It's a freak of nature, as far as turbines go. It's got a massive, convoluted hydraulic system which you're not seeing here (you don't want to know!), and its valves are lying down. Basically, it's Swiss, and the Swiss modus operandi seems to be "Why use one part if we can use nine?!" Naturally, this particular supplier is out of business, so apparently replacement parts for this thing are getting amusing.

Random aside: You could easily set up a tennis court between the two turbines. There is that much room.

vcsummer.jpg gator.jpg Unit_2_Turbine__DC_Cook_by_ringshadow.jpg MarbleHill.jpg GREENCOVE3.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Donald C. Cook (DC Cook)
Filesize:119 KiB
Date added:Sep 21, 2008
Dimensions:800 x 600 pixels
Displayed:5372 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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