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Niagara Falls Storage Site
This site, located in Lewiston, New York, consists of 25 properties sold to private owners; the properties were formerly part of the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works. Another portion of the former ordnance works was transferred to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and became the Niagara Falls Storage Site.

Beginning in 1944, the Manhattan Engineer District stored uranium processing residues, uranium metal, and radiological waste at the Niagara Falls Storage Site. Radiological surveys of the site between 1970 and 1980 indicated that residual contamination had migrated off the Niagara Falls Storage Site primarily through drainage ditches and exceeded FUSRAP guidelines on 23 separate parcels, along a public right-of-way, and in the drainage ditches. Beginning in 1983, DOE remediated most of the vicinity properties to a condition that allows unrestricted use. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will complete closeout activities for the remaining properties.

Niagara Falls Storage Site

This site, located in Lewiston, New York, consists of 25 properties sold to private owners; the properties were formerly part of the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works. Another portion of the former ordnance works was transferred to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and became the Niagara Falls Storage Site.

Beginning in 1944, the Manhattan Engineer District stored uranium processing residues, uranium metal, and radiological waste at the Niagara Falls Storage Site. Radiological surveys of the site between 1970 and 1980 indicated that residual contamination had migrated off the Niagara Falls Storage Site primarily through drainage ditches and exceeded FUSRAP guidelines on 23 separate parcels, along a public right-of-way, and in the drainage ditches. Beginning in 1983, DOE remediated most of the vicinity properties to a condition that allows unrestricted use. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will complete closeout activities for the remaining properties.

niagara_map.jpg dounreay-dfr.jpg tsc_lid.jpg CAlvert_Cliffs_12.jpg Aerial_View_MNS.jpg
File information
Album name:Rennhack / Niagara Falls Storage Site
Filesize:15 KiB
Date added:Mar 22, 2009
Dimensions:300 x 205 pixels
Displayed:1325 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites

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